Data Files for PC

PC Files

Data Files for PC/Windows Users

This page provides free access to the data files needed as you work through our books. The assets are listed by software title and software version. Refer to your book's About This Book section for more information.

Note: If you have older versions of our books, the instructions in the About This Book section refer to downloading and running an EXE file, which tends to be blocked by corporate Firewalls. In 2021, we replaced EXE data assets with zipped files. The links below now point to zipped versions of our data assets whenever possible.

Adobe Captivate Data Files

Captivate 12 (Also known simply as Adobe Captivate.)

Captivate Classic (Also known as Adobe Captivate 11 or Adobe Captivate 2019)

Captivate 2019 Fourth Edition

Captivate 2019 Third Edition

Captivate 2019 Second Edition

Captivate 2019

Captivate Data Files for Older Versions of Our Books


ATD Certificate Program Data Files

Articulate Rise Data Files

Articulate Storyline Data Files

Multiple versions of Storyline are available, and we're constantly updating our books to keep up with Articulate. Refer to your book's "About This Book" section to ensure you download the data files appropriate for your book and software version.

The Essentials & Beyond: Data Files for our Articulate Storyline 360: The Essentials & Beyond (2024 Edition)

The Essentials: Data Files for our Articulate Storyline versions 3 and/or 360 Books

Beyond the Essentials: Data Files for our Articulate Storyline versions 3 or 360 Books

Legacy Storyline Book Assets

Technical Communication Suite Data Files